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有买单车的必要吗英文 自行车的英文怎么写

有买单车的必要吗英文,Yes, it is necessary to purchase a bicycle.

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The word bicycle is used to refer to a common two-wheeled vehicle that is pedaled by one or more people. Bicycles have been around since at least 1817, and are used all over the world as a primary form of transportation. In some countries, it is known as a "bike", while in other places, it is known by various other terms. Bicycles are powered by human energy. Pedalling converts kinetic energy into mechanical energy, allowing the rider to move forward. Using a bicycle also allows people to cover larger distances than could be achieved by simply running or walking. This makes it easier and faster to get to a destination. The frame of a bicycle is typically made of metal or plastic, and the wheels are held in place by spokes. The rider sits on a saddle, which is usually connected to the frame by a seat post. In the front and back, brakes are connected to the frame, providing a way of stopping the bike. Bicycles are typically used as a form of exercise, recreation, transportation or a combination of these activities. They can be less expensive to maintain and use than cars, and reduce the amount of gasoline being burned and create less pollution. The popularity of cycling has grown over the years and many cycling events have been created. These can range from museum tours to urban and mountain biking tours. Races, triathlons and even marathons are held annually, with participants from all over the world.


Bicycle is the most common word for the vehicle with two wheels powered by human muscles. It is also written as bike or cycle. Cycling is an enjoyable activity that has plenty of health benefits and is becoming increasingly popular in countries all over the world. Riding a bike can help us develop our sense of balance and coordination, strengthen our muscles and cardiovascular system, and improve mental health and wellbeing. It can be used both for recreational and commuting purposes. Cycling is a low-impact exercise which can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. There are many types of bicycles that can be purchased for various terrains, such as mountain bikes, road bikes, hybrid bikes, city bikes and folding bicycles. If you want to save some money and make the most of your health benefits, an outdoor exercise bike can be a great choice. There are various safety measures to consider when using a bicycle. Always wear a helmet and never ride alone; make sure you have the proper lights when cycling in low visibility areas; and take extra precautions like learning hand signals or wearing reflective clothing when riding in busy traffic areas. Be sure to check your brakes and tires, and make sure your bike is well maintained. Many cities have bike lanes and bike-friendly routes, so it can be useful to familiarize yourself with these if you plan to do regular commuting on a bicycle. With the right preparation and safety checks, cycling can be a fun and rewarding activity for the whole family.



